
A Front rank B-School with Business Expertise


College Profile

Ramnath Guljarilal Kedia College of Commerce, is being sponsored under the auspices of Marwadi Siksha Samithi established in the year 1924 for the educational development in the city of Hyderabad. Leading Industrialists, Philanthropists and Educationalists, with more than eight decades of experience, are nurturing these educational institutions, located in the heart of the city Opp. Chaderghat New Bridge, Esamia Bazar, Near Koti, Hyderabad, Telangana.

The college is affiliated to Osmainia University, and is recognised by University Grants Commission and "All India Council for Technical Education", Govt. of India.

The courses run by the college are M.B.A (Master of Business Administration), MCA (Master of Computer Applications), etc., All India Management Association in it's All India Business School rating placed the college significantly.

The college has sprawling buildings with spacious class rooms, well equipped libraries, computer labs and hi-tech conference hall besides spacious grounds, student lounges, canteen facilities supplement to the academic inputs.

Teaching and Learning Process

  • To Provide qualitative education to meet the challenges of globalisation.
  • To Train the resources, to suit the market requirements.
  • To Provide qualitative Management and Computer education.
  • To Adopt with the changing technologies of educational inputs with latest trends.
  • To Make higher education relevant to knowledge age.

Associating Institutions

  • Indian Colleges Forum (ICF, Delhi)
  • National Academy of Development (NAD)
  • Indian Economic Association (lEA)
  • Andhra Pradesh Economic association (APEA)
  • Public Relations society of India (PRSI)
  • AIMA / HMA / CSC

Future Perspectives

This Business School aims to achieve academic excellence and to be top graded institute by AIMA and other Management Consultants. AIMA has already identified this institute as a potential Business School, which can compete for achieving academic excellence with business acumen. A parallel Management-training institute is proposed to achieve the objectives for the AICTE gradation.

To Provide opportunities and to bring together the challenging people is the Objective of the management.


  • To impact in_depth knowledge and expertise through innovaitve methods of teaching and learning so as to create a pool of resourceful, self motivated scientific man power.
  • To introduce re-structured and vocational cources to keep pace with the changing standard of proffessional competence.
  • To provide ideal academic atmosphere for the pursuit of excellence in higher education and to be accredited by NAAC and NBA as per UGC and AICTE norms.
  • To promote high quality research stressing the reasonal needsz and social relevance.
  • To prioritize good governance and high ethical standards at institution level.


" Service above self "
  • To provide quality Education and Academic Excellence.
  • Maintaining higher standards & moving towards perfection.
  • To provide an integrated and quality Education is over motto.
  • Focusing on value based education along with market requirement.
  • To face the dinemic challenges of tommorrow.
  • Looking beyond the call duty and doing more than expected.
  • To nurture the research activities for academic nourishment, updating and fostering of scholastic temperaments.

Message from Prof. D.V.G.Krishna


Marwadi Shiksha Samithi Management has the privilege to welcome you to Ramnath Guljarilal Kedia College of Commerce a leading Premier Educational Institution specializing in Commerce, Economics, Business Management, Information Technology and allied subjects.

This Educational Society has celebrated Platinum Jubilee recently and contributed immensely for the knowledge Development in the Pre and Post Independent era. The Management members are the Pioneers of Business and Promoters of Knowledge for the enrichment of posterity.

The Ramnath Guljarilal Kedia College of Commerce, Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Computer Application (MCA) pogrammes are the precious jewels in their crown of knowledge.

The staff members associated with this glorious institution since inception have dedicated themselves to the cause of education for the enrichment of knowledge society. The Teacher and Taught have joined together to unfold the Destiny of India.


Prof (Dr) D.V.G.Krishna,M.Phil, P.hd.

Research, Consultancy and Training Wing

Research and Training:

  • To Provide Training and Research to Corporate entities.
  • To Conduct conferences seminars in emerging Management issues.
  • To Provide Training to Faculities and Corporate Executives.
  • To Provide Consultancy and Research Facility to the M.Phil, and P.hd. scholars also to the Research Organisation.
  • To Establish tie-up with advanced Research center for Management.

Ramnath Guljarilal Kedia College of Commerce conducts, weekly and fortnightly programmes by the Eminent Industrialists, Economists, and Leading Business Experts, Representatives of Professional Organizations like Institute of Charted Accountants of India (ICAI), Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI), and Indian Institute of Bankers (IIB)…etc on professional basis

  • Conducting Research in the areas of Market Research
  • Business Development
  • Training the Bankers & others
  • Training the students to meet the Market challenges

Consultancy Wing:

  • Finance matters Mutual funds
  • Tax matters and Market Fluctuations
  • Manpower Planning

Strategy for Future:

  • To Provide ideal academic atmosphere for the pursuit of excellence in Higher Education.
  • To Introduce new restructured and vocational courses to keep pace with standards of professional competence.
  • To Promote high quality Research Stressing the regional needs and Social Relevance.
  • Facility for production of Educational Multimedia Productions.
  • Centralized Instrumentation Laboratory.
  • Establishment of Career Academy.
  • MOU with National and International Institutes for Teaching and Research.
  • Development of Sports Complex.
  • Establishment of Bio-technology park.