
Admission Procedure

The candidates who are qualified under the Integrated Common Entrance Test (ICET), are admitted into MBA course, through counseling conducted by the state government of Andhra Pradesh to the extent of 85% of the seats and the balance 15% of the seats are filled up by the management of the institutions.

Candidates should fill in the application form in his/her own handwriting in separate application forms for each group. Admission will be in accordance with the rules and regulations of Osmania University.

Candidates should submit their application forms along with photocopies of the following certificates:

  • Transfer Certificate from the institution where the candidate last studied 
  • Date of Birth Certificate/SSC Memorandum of Marks.
  • Migration certificate of students enrolling from other Universities. 
  • Bonafide Certificate.
  • Income Certificate of the parent/guardian. 
  • Nativity Certificate from Mandal Revenue Officer. 
  • Caste/Community Certificate from an Officer not below the rank of Mandal Revenue Officer.

Admission of foreign students shall be entertained only on the recommendation of Osmania University.

A provisional list of candidates selected for admission will be displayed on the college notice board and no postal intimation will be sent. All admissions are provisional.

Selected candidates should appear for a personal interview with the Principal at the college with all the original certificates before the last date for payment of fees.

The college fee has to be paid in full at the time of admission. The student should produce the relevent original certificates at the time of admission.

The college reserves the right to cancel the admission of a candidate at any stage if it is detected that the admission is against the rules and regulaions of the University.

Laboratory and Library deposits paid by students will be refunded to them provided they claim the refund within a period of three months in the year in which the deposit amount falls due for refund i.e.,after completion of the course.

Special fee are subject to revision.

Optional subjects and the Second Language selected by the candidate cannot be changed after the closing date for admissions as declared by Osmania University.

Change of medium will be permitted at the degree level if the candidate has secured a minimum of 40% marks in English in the qualifying exam. (i.e., Intermediate Public Examination or its equivalent).

Our experienced counselors can answer your questions:

Ramnath Guljarilal Kedia College of Commerce has a dedicated staff of Admission Counselors who are specifically trained to address the needs of today's mid-career student. Counselors are ready to help you choose an appropriate program, assist with payment options and evaluate your eligibility. They may also be able to refer you for accelerated admission and register you for your first course in just one call.

Academic Integrity:

The true recognition of any degree comes from its acceptance by the business community. Many corporations are continually seeking programs that will allow their supervisory, middle and top management personnel to improve and continue their education without sacrificing productivity. Hundreds of corporations have evaluated Ramnath Guljarilal Kedia College of Commerce's programs through their personnel and employee relations departments, and have recognized the work toward the degree for advancement, salary increases and entry qualifications for new positions.

Having obtained real knowledge from a self realized soul, you will never fall again in to illusion, for by this knowledge you will see that all living beings are but part of the supreme, or, in other words, that they are Mine

- Bhagwan Sri Sai Baba

The first step in your educational journey starts here. We welcome you to come and visit our friendly campus and meet with one of the qualified representatives on our admissions team. From the moment you arrive, our dedicated admissions representatives make you feel at ease.

The admissions staff is with you every step of the way to help you make the program choice that fits your educational and career goals. AIU - Buckhead has always taken pride in their diverse student body and continues to embrace this dynamic learning environment.

During your visit, your admissions representative will take you for a tour of our facilities, including classrooms, computer labs and design studios. We only ask that you bring one thing with you for your visit: The desire to succeed!